Salary: Open
Employment Type: Permanent
Languages: Japanese > Native, English > Fluent
Industry: Services
Sub-industry: Wholesale & Distribution
Function: Marketing
Posted On: 2024-08-07

Company Overview

当社は25年以上の経験を持つ世界的なブティック型市場調査会社のひとつです。 アジア、ヨーロッパ、米国にオフィスを構え、大手エージェンシーのグローバルなリーチと、小規模ブティックの機敏さとパーソナルなサービスを兼ね備えています。 迅速かつ柔軟な対応で、グローバルなネットワークと連携し、最高のリサーチ・ソリューションを設計・提供します。

The company is one of the global boutique market research agencies with over 25 years’ experience. With offices spanning Asia, Europe and the US, we have the global reach of a large agency, combined with the agility and personalized service of a small boutique. Nimble and flexible, we collaborate across our global network to design and deliver the best research solutions.

Job Description


We are now seeking a new talent, responsible for the entire business of market research under the group. Now in the state of making loss and other challenges, is in need for swift turnaround, stabilized profitability and further growth through strong leadership. The group is comprised of eight local legal entities, of which country heads shall be guided to contribute to the overall growth of the group.

【Key Responsibilities 主な責任範囲】

 担当事業の持続可能な成長、売上・利益の最大化
 本社経営方針にそった事業戦略・運営方針の策定・浸透、組織文化の醸成
 中期計画・事業計画の策定、各事業会社の管理・監督
 現地法人所在国:US/UK/シンガポール/インドネシア/インド/フィリピン/タイ/中国
 業界全体のトレンド把握、クライアント・パートナー・業界団体との関係構築、事業代表

 Sustain business growth and maximize revenue and profit.
 Align business strategy and organizational culture with the headquarters.
 Formulate mid-range plan and budget, lead and control local legal entities.
 Local entity: US, UK, Singapore, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Thailand, and China
 Grasp entire industry trend, establish relationships key stakeholders including clients, partners and industry leaders and represent the group.


Qualifications 資格・要件
 スキル: 英語・日本語(必須)、対人コミュニケーション・交渉スキル
 業種: 市場調査業界、あるいは、広告業界・コンサル業界等の関連業界
 職種: 法人経営・組織運営、法人営業・顧客開拓、リサーチャー
 知識・資格: 経営学一般知識、特に事業戦略・マーケティング・管理会計等
 その他: 事業計画の立案、施策の実行推進等を含めた組織運営・事業運営(重要)

 Skill: Both English and Japanese in high fluency (Must), Interpersonal communication / negotiation skills
 Industry: Market research industry or its related industries, including ad agencies, consultancies etc.
 Job: Company management / team management, B2B account management / business development, market researcher
 Knowledge: Business administration in particular for business strategy, marketing, managerial accounting etc.
 Others: Experience of managing organizations and running businesses including making business plans, driving executions etc.(Critical)

* We will present the details of the job descriptions in the first meeting with our Consultants.
Job reference: JO-240807-362085

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